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No. 4027       [Reply]
9 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 4037  
Urna_eletrônica.jpg - (295.05KB, 1999×1311)
>And what happens if you're do not go? Money penalty?
You are required to justify why did you not go. If you don't, there is a R$3,50(roughly US$1,75) penalty, which the election justice may increase up to ten times its value. I voted for Progressive Party.
No. 4038  
>You are required to justify why did you not go
Well some people just don't believe that democracy working at all.
I guess Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro is leader in in your city, yes?
What do you think about them?
Somebody from any parties talking about "dirty game", "violations during voting" and "violations during the election campaign"?
Lol, looks like you are pronouncing it same as Russians.
I read that you have a urn that check your fingerprint. Did you seen something like that?
No. 4039  
>Voting is compulsory in Brazil
Interestingly good idea, but voting should be as easy as pressing a button. I wanted to vote in this year's Putin elections, but they was like go bring us certificate that you are not a camel, and I was like fuck you, I'l go fap on some animu unstead.
No. 4040  
>but they was like go bring us certificate that you are not a camel
You haven't passport, or what?
No. 4041  
I have passport, but I don't have a full registration in the city I live now. So in order to vote I was supposed to bring some papers about voting in other city in two days before election. Burocracy, burocracy everywhere.
No. 4042  
>So in order to vote I was supposed to bring some papers about voting in other city in two days before election
It's the same here. You are only allowed to vote in the city you applied for your voter ID card, or you must go through burocracy to change the city in your voter ID.

>I guess Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro is leader in in your city, yes?
No, it's Partido Progressista. Nobody really support a party in Brazil, we only support candidates because every party has its gems despite it being almost all corrupt politicians.

>Somebody from any parties talking about "dirty game", "violations during voting" and "violations during the election campaign"?
Yes. During the election campaign, the candidates only talk about how bad the other parties are, not about how good their party is.

>I read that you have a urn that check your fingerprint. Did you seen something like that?
Yes, pic related. The little machine over the urn (dont really know how to say it in English) serves for identification.
No. 4043  
>voter ID card
Funny, we haven't something like that.
>we only support candidates because every party has its gems despite it being almost all corrupt politicians.
I guess this is mostly same here.
>During the election campaign, the candidates only talk about how bad the other parties are, not about how good their party is.
We all know that feel.
Debates in modern Russian policy looks like "United Russia worst party ever, all others parties except ours is puppets of the United Russia - vote for us"
Do you have any anti-blasphemy laws in Brazil?
No. 2092       [Reply]
In case Vladimir Zhirinovsky is the next president, I want to get closer to Russian culture and possibly learn some bits of language in advance.

Is this the largest Russian chan with /int/? Seems pretty tardy.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 2107  
>>2104 Well he is not really serious but... Largest /int/ with Russians is krautchan's.

And there is no any way to Zhirinovsky as president.
No. 2175  
OP, you're welcomed.
No. 4011  
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Jeerinovski is too dull and .. just stupid clown, if I could express my thoughts in English.

PS I'm seriously adore foreigners who learn and Want learn Russian language and culture. I'm quite good in English and urbandictionary is just not enough. So, it's looks like a good deal, bro!
No. 4012  
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Dammit, looks like English is not your native... O,ok, I'll still help
Respone somehow OP, and we'll meet in some kind of free chats or fake emails. Like http://saybox.co.uk/
No. 4013  
Oh my crazy pieces of damned sht!
I was posting to the dead tread.. In the dead chan FUCAK LOL
I didn't recognized my own second post, even don't understood it correctly.
That's how we call it
No. 4014  
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No. 4022  
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That was closer to the other stage, that we call uporotiy. Kinda wasted
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No. 3574       [Reply]
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3859  
Today I find one in my bath
No. 3861  
will find?
No. 3869  
No. 3874  
would found
No. 3960  
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‘Today I shall find a cockroach in my bath’.
No. 4008  
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No. 4010  
Google cannot into language.
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No. 3830       [Reply]
I am a white American. I am going to be living in Moscow (studying at МГУ specifically) for a year (Sept to May). I have been taking Russian classes for two years, so I have the basics (I can speak Russian probably as well as an autistic person, but much more clear), I understand the basics. Tell me what I need to know, I have prepared my body as much as possible in the past few months, but I wanted to ask Russians what they would advise. (deliberately left this question open ended)
24 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3930  
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>Then why wont you just leave Russia, kike?
Remarkably stupid question.
Should one leave his house, if there are pests inside?
No. 3937  
my brother was a trainee in the police force for a while so i know that they do issue protocols so to meet the monthly quota . stupid system we both share i suppose .
but policmen here are paid close to the minimal salary . and our minimal salary is the lowest in the whole europe union. so they work other jobs on the side . but he didnt explicitly said anything about police men extorting some one .
No. 3938  
Monthly quota is a really savage practice, but in Russia it is complicated by the fact that courts simply don't work. Russian courts are not incompetent or corrupt, these assessments would be too sparing. They are just the machines of transportation people from police station to jail. Official statistics says, that proportion of convictions is around 99%.

>so they work other jobs on the side

Russian policemen don't need to have jobs on the side. They use there privilege to rob and extort.

Social surveys show an amusing fact, that people fear the police more then criminals.
No. 3952  
First of all, be ready to see russian bears with balalaika drinking vodka with Boris Eltzin.
No. 3955  
do svidanija
No. 4006  
In moscow almost everyone speaks english. Hipster faggots read Shakespeare on their faggy iFags.
No. 4007  
True story. Once upon a time a tajik worker think about a italian tourists that he's from his country(lol). Of cus tourist didn't know tajik - and they very fast hit it off using english.
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No. 3157       [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Привет, русанон. Расскажи мне о прелестях жизни в России. Сам я русский, родился в Казахстане и в России был в далеком детстве, понравилось, был в деревне, ходил в лес. У нас то и лесов даже нет, одна степь кругом. Но дело даже не в этом, просто мне здесь надоело, эта культура, этот язык, одни чурки кругом. Не с кем провести время, не с кем поговорить, поэтому и хочу перебраться к братьям-славянам. Вообще, о России слышу довольно неприятные вещи, мол, коррупция, произвол, нищета и все только о том и думают как свалить. Надеюсь, что это не так и хочу услышать ваше мнение.
46 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3302  
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>Лучше расскажи почему тебя не устраивает быть казахом? Ты наверное метис?
У него наверное мама еврейка.
No. 3335  
Не переживай. Я вот в рашке живу, и был у меня с детства друг казах. При этом я никогда его как кого-то инородного не воспринимал, как таджиков или узбеков вонючих, или диких каказцев. Когда мы выросли, он стал успешным альфом. А казалось бы, казах, как ты говоришь, "укзоглазый". Никто этого даже не замечает.
No. 3338  
Казах казаху - рознь. Воспитай ниггу в приличной семье, и возможно он станет президентом америки.
No. 3545  
No. 3547  
>Воспитай ниггу в приличной семье
На протяжении пары сотен лет.
No. 4005  
No. 4051  
Тебя, дикое животное, и за пару сотен тысячелетий в нормального человека не перевоспитать. Грибы быстрее эволюционируют в разумное существо, чем ты.
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No. 3981       [Reply]
So friends, my college classes just started again last week. When will your summer holidays end?
13 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3998  
> but my parents wouldn't alow me do that
How? What do you mean?
No. 3999  
They don't want me to study that.
No. 4000  
And what can they do to prevent you?
No. 4001  
Money deprivation?
No. 4002  
No. 4003  
I study on a payed university, they simply can not pay them, and I get no classes.
They want me to study something dealing with high technology, that I can make money "fast".
No. 4004  
> they simply can not pay them
If they pay, they have the right of veto, lol.
>that I can make money "fast"
Is it important for your family? Or they are such "take care of you"?
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No. 3965       [Reply]
Dear friends,

You might have noticed that some posts (not essencially offensive) disappeared from the board. The reason behind this is that the board has slided into ugly antisemitism. We tried to rely on your understanding and self-organization, but now it has gone too far. We have delete the blatant jew-hating trolling and all the replies to such posts.

Please, don't forget about the rules, especially Rule #5

Next time bans will follow.


Your Administration
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3968  
Sauce doesn't forgive!
No. 3970  
Write it in red.
No. 3972  
so those russians i was talking about really were jews.
No. 3974  
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No. 3978  
Danke schön.
No. 3979  
No. 3980  
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No. 3878       [Reply]
Thir thread is really down. Let's make some thing to don't let it die.
Who of you can show your city to a Brazilian that want to travel to the greatest country ever. Russia.
15 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3894  
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No. 3907  
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Well, I want to study there, but before I really wanted to visit Moscow (I have a friend there) and Saint Petersburg.
And maybe later I want to travel on Транссибирская магистраль. What can you tell me about it?
No. 3908  
>Well, I want to study there, but before I really wanted to visit Moscow (I have a friend there) and Saint Petersburg.
And when do you want to do this?
>What can you tell me about it?
About Транссибирская магистраль? That will be a very long travel on train...
No. 3909  
>And maybe later I want to travel on Транссибирская магистраль.
I've tried once (traveled from Vladivostok to Moscow): it's really boring weekly trip. There are some nice views, when you pass Baikal lake, but they are not worth wasting hole week in dirty train.
No. 3913  
how easy is it to obtain student visa and how will you cover your living expenses while you study there ?
No. 3921  
That must be intersting.
For brazilians is really easy to get visa.
I don't know. Maybe next year.
No. 3944  
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If you are planning to visit eastern parts of Russia (say, Buryatia, Yakutia, Far East) you most definitely need a Russian guy who's been there at least a few times to accompany you 'cause otherwise things may get ... complicated. Nobody will understand a single word you speak in English (let alone Portugese) and mentality is very different from that in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But it's worth the try, Russia is a beautiful country but only if you get far enough from civilization and all that police, people's rudeness and ignorance etc. Still, Russians are hospitable, but, as I said, you need a Russain guide to communicate with them. Anyway, hope you'll have a fun trip.

Pic related, that's how a scenery in Krasnoyarsk region looks like from a helicopter.
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No. 3896       [Reply]
about the wife that threw her children out of the 15th floor. her husband left them without any kind of means for food and living and when things went unbearable she snaped. doesnt your government provide aid in these kind of situations ? i mean it doesnt look like your country is in such a predicament that famine is an issue
No. 3897  
>doesnt your government provide aid in these kind of situations?
Provide. But pretty small payment.
The father is obliged to pay at least 25% of his income to the child + some others payments by judge decision. If he does not pay, you will need go to the court, and it takes quite a long time.
And yes, this women just talking full bullshit. She don't want to the jail.
No. 3910  
the child support. the same as here. we have a crysis centers for women with children . quite a new inventions but maybe if you had such a establishment she wouldnt have snaped and threw them out.
when i read what she have said in the interrigation it didnt left the impression she said it to escape the punishment
No. 3911  
> crysis centers for women with children
And what are they doing there?
>it didnt left the impression she said it to escape the punishment
No. 3914  
> if you had such a establishment
Yes. We should have extermination camps for the kikes like her and her offsprings, which too have genetic disorders.
No. 3918  
Family Crisis Center "Mīlgrāvis" offer psycho-social assistance to women or women with children who have met a crysis including suffering from violence. Crisis center can accommodate 12 clients, length of stay in a crisis center 3 months, in some cases, up to 6 months, the crisis center services offered to customers free of charge.
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No. 3762       [Reply]
Hey russians friends!
I got an ideia, let's show videos like this from our countries. I start with this North Brazil video.

This is how we roll.

10 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 3781  

Our Culture, our people, our weather, our way to think about life.
We have a lot of slavs too here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Brazilian
No. 3782  

This also is good.
No. 3783  
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And we even had a war like the american civil war, but we had it in 1835 to 1845. We were a Republic that time, but we lost the war and were anexed to Brazilian empire again.
No. 3785  
>Unlike the refugees and opportunity seekers, however, the Baptists who settled Vārpa left Latvia just as the turmoil of World War I, the struggles for an independent republic, the hopelessness of material privation and the indiscriminate destruction of land and property had finally come to an end.

so they left the settlement went we gained independence ?
No. 3786  
>In the last IBGE census (2006), 519,000 Brazilians classified themselves as indigenous, even though millions of Brazilians have Amerindian ancestry

i like this
No. 3791  
The natives blood is in Amazon region. Almost everyone there have it.
No. 3792  
nice verse. shows how much of uncultured apes the arabs are
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