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No. 3896  
about the wife that threw her children out of the 15th floor. her husband left them without any kind of means for food and living and when things went unbearable she snaped. doesnt your government provide aid in these kind of situations ? i mean it doesnt look like your country is in such a predicament that famine is an issue
No. 3897  
>doesnt your government provide aid in these kind of situations?
Provide. But pretty small payment.
The father is obliged to pay at least 25% of his income to the child + some others payments by judge decision. If he does not pay, you will need go to the court, and it takes quite a long time.
And yes, this women just talking full bullshit. She don't want to the jail.
No. 3910  
the child support. the same as here. we have a crysis centers for women with children . quite a new inventions but maybe if you had such a establishment she wouldnt have snaped and threw them out.
when i read what she have said in the interrigation it didnt left the impression she said it to escape the punishment
No. 3911  
> crysis centers for women with children
And what are they doing there?
>it didnt left the impression she said it to escape the punishment
No. 3914  
> if you had such a establishment
Yes. We should have extermination camps for the kikes like her and her offsprings, which too have genetic disorders.
No. 3918  
Family Crisis Center "Mīlgrāvis" offer psycho-social assistance to women or women with children who have met a crysis including suffering from violence. Crisis center can accommodate 12 clients, length of stay in a crisis center 3 months, in some cases, up to 6 months, the crisis center services offered to customers free of charge.
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