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No. 3830  
I am a white American. I am going to be living in Moscow (studying at МГУ specifically) for a year (Sept to May). I have been taking Russian classes for two years, so I have the basics (I can speak Russian probably as well as an autistic person, but much more clear), I understand the basics. Tell me what I need to know, I have prepared my body as much as possible in the past few months, but I wanted to ask Russians what they would advise. (deliberately left this question open ended)
No. 3831  
But Moscow is not Russia.
No. 3832  
What is your speciality?
>I can speak Russian probably as well as an autistic person, but much more clear
Say something, lol.
>Tell me what I need to know
Moscow is very expensive city for living.
In Moscow 24/7 jams.
In Moscow a bad public transport. Since Russia does not have dedicated lanes for public transport. And all stands in traffic jams.
In the US much cheaper computer hardware. Same with communicators, etc.
In Russia, people cannot into English. Although all studied English in school.
Here is hundreds of details. I have no idea what do you need to know.
No. 3833  
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>>Tell me what I need to know
Russian is full of turkic garbage - use slavic equivalents. I.e. instead of "собака" (sobaka) say "пёс" (pies).
No. 3835  
Absolute bullshit.
No. 3836  

Thanks, I have been preparing for the move for a few months now and knew much of what you said. I did not know that the public transportation was so bad, I assumed I would just use the metro as I will be living on campus at МГУ. I am going to try to limit purchases on luxuries and consumer goods when I am there to save money (bringing computer stuff like laptop, etc).
I am going to be continuing to study Russian language and working for an internship (arranged). I would speak more Russian but my vocabulary is weak aside from the basics, so for now I express myself easier in English.

I have talked to others that have gone to Russia (moscow, st petersburg) and they say an important thing is to hang out with russians. Americans and other foreigners tend to clump together and just hang out with each other. I want to avoid that and hang with Russians mostly. Any ideas or new thoughts?

also, curious about what he is talking about
No. 3837  
>campus at МГУ
Usually campuses of our universities were built 60 years ago and since then almost not repaired, lol. And usually they're in pretty bad shape, with the appropriate infrastructure. Although the МГУ campus can be normal...
>Americans and other foreigners tend to clump together and just hang out with each other.
All people doing this. China towns, Brighton, etc.
Get a purse for coins. You will quickly accumulate a whole bunch of coins. In Russia the smallest coin is ~ 1/32 of cent (actually metal from which these coins make more expensive than nominal of this coin)
>what he is talking about
Here is one crazy racist.
No. 3839  

anti-jewish thing? I hear its pretty rough for non-whites over there, should I actively avoid being associated with anyone non-white while I am there?
No. 3840  
>anti-jewish thing?
I mean on this board one absolutely crazy man. I have no idea how this man can exist irl, but he is. Conspiracy theories, etc.
> I hear its pretty rough for non-whites over there
Depends of your circle of communication. Than more stupid man is -> than more he is a racist, as everywhere.
And "Non whites" a bit different interpretation in Russia. Nobody cares about niggers here (except nazis, but they are totally crazy. and i'm heard about them from TV only), because we hadn't this "black slavery" shit like in Europe and US. So we haven't "US niggers" here, and others color skin people actually (students only). But we have sort of your Mexicans. It's people from Caucasus and Middle Asia (Especially Tajiks). There is a stereotype that they are lazy, stupid, poor, constantly trying to deceive you, etc. If a Caucasian, then added as an aggressive and insolent.
>I actively avoid being associated with anyone non-white while I am there?
So, nobody cares about American "non-whites" here basically.
No. 3841  
Oh, yes. Most people dislike the US government. NATO, Serbia, imperialists, blah, blah, blah bloody oil, Georgia and other such things. Then more man is "patriotic", than more he is dislike US government. But in Soviet propaganda American people was "proletarians" oppressed by evil capitalists and politicians, so peoples "okay" with american people at all.
On the other hand we have the Liberals (oh yes, our Liberals isn't socialists, like yours. They are more like Right-wing politics), you could heard about them from some news ("Manifestations in Moscow", "Evil Putin", blah, blah, blah). In Russia no one ever likes their government (even if angels from heaven will take all places in our government, people still will be blame them in all troubles), but our Liberals hate our government (And Putin personally) especially strong. With that US in their imagination is like "Heaven on the earth" (maybe like europe for your socialists). So you should be popular among them.
No. 3845  
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Your English is so bad my eyes bleed. And by the way you're telling him about some unnecessary rubbish.

OP, students usually don't care about politics at all. So you just need some basic grammar and vocabulary to hang out with your mates. Moreover, some of them should know English at least to remind you some Russian word or phrase equivalent if you tell it in English. And if you are really going to study Russian you should communicate as much as possible, not only about classes, like you may try to talk about things that differ in the US and here, how was your life back there and so on.

Every group has its assholes, you should try to pick them out richt. But I think you'll find your type of people anyway. I always get in companies of blockheads (or airheads — распиздяев, в общем) for some reason...

Why don't you create a thread at iichan.ru/tran/? I think they'll give you an advice.

Are you a nigger by the way lol
No. 3847  

OP here, not a nigger, white Texan here. (sorry about GW Bush) I'll make a thread at iichan.ru/tran. Thanks for the referral. My issue is that I have researched all of this for a while, so I don't have any specific questions, I just want to get random helpful information. One problem that I avoid because of a tip from here is one less headache when my brain is getting raped by Moscow culture.
No. 3848  
how can it rape you ? the ladies over there might
No. 3849  
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No. 3851  
Are u gonna study in the ЦМО(Центр Международного Образования)by the way?
No. 3852  
Why do you use nigger language?
No. 3854  

i think so
No. 3856  
you heard me
No. 3870  
looks a bit like at my grandfathers countryside . minus the lady and not that rich of a zakuska
No. 3905  

1. Almost all sings, advertisements, menus etc are in Russian and very few people understand English good enough, so you you can rely only on yourself. Take a small dictionary with you for the first time.
2. The most cheap, fast and reliable transport in Moscow is the Metro. Never use taxi: it's too pricey and taxi drive will surely shortchange you.
3. MSU campus has poor housing conditions and boorish staff. In fact boorishness is one of the main russian features.
4. If you have problems you should deal with police only in the presence of a person you trust.
No. 3906  
>Almost all sings
"sign" of course
No. 3912  
>4. If you have problems you should deal with police only in the presence of a person you trust.
why ?
No. 3915  
In Russia policemen are the most dangerous criminals
No. 3925  
what kind of function will this trusted person serve against these kind of police men ?
No. 3928  
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Well, now I see the difference between europian and russian types of thinking. Maybe it's hard for you to understand, but russian police even doesn't intend to maintain order.

Policemen in Rrussia have only too purposes:
1. Earn money in any way they can.
2. Carry out a plan. They have a plan for detection and it's not hard to guess that lots of people they capture to fulfill the plan are innocent.

Obviously, it's not safe to deal with such people alone. I don't think they'll try to harm foreign national, but they can try to rob him without ceremony.
No. 3930  
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>Then why wont you just leave Russia, kike?
Remarkably stupid question.
Should one leave his house, if there are pests inside?
No. 3937  
my brother was a trainee in the police force for a while so i know that they do issue protocols so to meet the monthly quota . stupid system we both share i suppose .
but policmen here are paid close to the minimal salary . and our minimal salary is the lowest in the whole europe union. so they work other jobs on the side . but he didnt explicitly said anything about police men extorting some one .
No. 3938  
Monthly quota is a really savage practice, but in Russia it is complicated by the fact that courts simply don't work. Russian courts are not incompetent or corrupt, these assessments would be too sparing. They are just the machines of transportation people from police station to jail. Official statistics says, that proportion of convictions is around 99%.

>so they work other jobs on the side

Russian policemen don't need to have jobs on the side. They use there privilege to rob and extort.

Social surveys show an amusing fact, that people fear the police more then criminals.
No. 3952  
First of all, be ready to see russian bears with balalaika drinking vodka with Boris Eltzin.
No. 3955  
do svidanija
No. 4006  
In moscow almost everyone speaks english. Hipster faggots read Shakespeare on their faggy iFags.
No. 4007  
True story. Once upon a time a tajik worker think about a italian tourists that he's from his country(lol). Of cus tourist didn't know tajik - and they very fast hit it off using english.
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