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No. 5315  
if there was a war of humans with aliens
or sentient machines
or whatever else non-human

i would betray my kind in a heartbeat
provided i find the other side superior

thats what i am
no apologies
No. 5316  
costanza.jpg - (330.60KB, 5000×5000)
> implying they won't just kill you as inferior
No. 5317  
they might
and they might not
anyway they wont as long as they need my services
No. 5318  
if there was a war of humans and Russians
nobody would give a shit about your assumptions
No. 5319  
7ef.jpg - (28.92KB, 600×600)
There's a constant war between diseases and humanity. Just get Ebola already.
No. 5320  
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>russians are not humans
>non-sentient whatever (actually got me here formally speaking, but fuck you)
some low quality comments right there >_>
No. 5321  
Why in the world aliens would need some OP from 410chan?
No. 5322  
>some OP from 410chan
we are rare species!
endangered even
No. 5323  
Вот какого чёрта я, уехав на каникулы в Словакию, не могу постить в моём любимом /бе/?
No. 5324  
Чем вы докажете, что достойны этой высокой чести? А то видали мы ентих, иностранцев. Ходют тут, понимаш.
No. 5325  
Постой, а если повезёт уехать в Японию, то я тоже не смогу постить в сырнарии?
No. 5326  
Тут кажется вообще полный бан японских айпи был.
No. 5328  
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Can you tell me more about it because I'm on a journey to visit all russian image boards in 30 days
>muh ville haapasalo pun
No. 5329  
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> i would betray my kind in a heartbeat
That's why humans must be exterminated.
No. 5330  
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what do you want to know?
410chan (the Bus) is generally a silent haven, a place where nothing really happens

is loyalty more important than life?
No. 5331  
No. 5332  
whtvr.jpg - (44.76KB, 550×780)
I'm with you, OP.
Let's fuck 'em humans real hard.
No. 5333  
Be gentle.
No. 5334  
CczYzBKXEAAebrY.jpg - (29.34KB, 600×476)
Let us engage in a little bit of a quarrel with the rest of humanity, shall we?
No. 5350  
visit Overchan and Nowere.net
No. 5354  
No. 5356  
If they are in war with us they ain't superior.
No. 5357  
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i am a planetless alien and i WANT your planet for MY people
>c-cant we just share the planet ?
>time passes by, it becomes clear that humans are completely useless for aliens
>no tech, no culture, no NOTHING
its time for GENOCIDE you stupid untrainable monkeys
orbital bombardment destroys main resistance on the earth
No. 5363  
>i am a planetless alien and i WANT
Fuck off, we're full.
No. 5364  
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The empty handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
This sky, too, is folding under you
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.
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