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im_a_scientologist_en_US.jpg - (53.49KB, 860×483)
No. 5182  
What have I done to kill the russian in myself?
1. Broke with my russian girlfriend.
2. Dropped out of university, because they require using russian.
3. Began using english where possible, even forcing my mother to learn english.
4. When forced to speak russian, I do it in the most negative manner possible.
No. 5184  
CS1joGbWcAAILo9.jpg - (32.36KB, 600×456)
Nice autism.

>Began using english where possible, even forcing my mother to learn english.
Now, this is unacceptable. Mother Russia will punish you severely.
No. 5186  
how did you learn english?
No. 5228  

Da fuq, move out from Russia, earn hellers as some kind of worker in a country which has some prosperity.
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