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No. 4983  
Student of Russian here. I am writing my own sentences to learn more words and how to express intelectual thoughts in Russian.
Are these ones correct?
Если ты хочешь пиду, тебе нужно чистый хуй.
Я тебе обещаю один вещь, тот негр станет сумасшедшим, когда он узнает что ты ебал его маму вчера.
Вперед к коммунисму!
Заботливо, никто не может знать если медведь сердитый.
Taк больно, я чувствоваю обоняние пиды в воздухе.
No. 4984  
Don't know why you try offensive language to learn Russian before you know some basics. As Russian by myself, I can provide you many variations of these sentences, just changing suffixes in words.
For example, "Если хочешь пизды" or "Если хочешь пизду" have different meanings.
No. 4987  
Ебай, я подумал что “пизда“ была “пида".
No. 4988  
Dis guy is native english speaker, and has expierence with languages other than russian. So he able to point out nuances with which he struggled and critical differences between roman and slavic language groups. This kind of tips is very important, because they allow you to keep your focus.

Disregard his political views tho, cuz he is just typical pro-western cunt.
No. 4989  
Было очень интересно
Спасибо товарищ
No. 5025  
Why on Earth would one learn Russian? It's as irrelevant as Swedish.
No. 5026  
to tell you the truth, that guy just made me laugh LOUDLY
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