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No. 4757  
Ask a Brazilian anything, /int/.
No. 4758  
hi are you anime :DDD
No. 4759  
Tell me about what factors divide your society and what regional differences you have there.
No. 4760  
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hi i'm not sorry :(((

>what factors divide your society
Money, politics (nowadays) and soccer teams.

>what regional differences you have there
South: "whites", "Europe in Brazil"
North/Northeast: poor people, no water, mostly dumb and uncivilized
Southeast: pardos, beaches, São Paulo and Rio
Center: probably the most civilized region of Brazil, capital and politicians
No. 4761  
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Are you white?
No. 4763  
average white brazilian.jpg - (242.80KB, 600×901)
No. 4764  
say something in portuguese
No. 4765  
so fucking kawaii.jpg - (52.28KB, 953×597)
What do you want me to say? :3
No. 4766  
"Today I woke up after a really nice afternoon nap and continued wasting my time on the Internets"
No. 4767  
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"Hoje eu acordei, após uma ótima soneca a tarde, e continuei perdendo meu tempo na internet."

No. 4768  

Do you know Spanish btw?
No. 4769  
What do you feel towards Portugal?
No. 4770  
I don't know too much, but portuguese and spanish are very similar languages. If you can speak one of them, you can easily learn the other.

Nothing special. I knew some Portugueses here, and they treated me okay, as I did treat them.
No. 4771  
How is your living standards compared to other your compatriots? What do you feel towards most of other Brazilians?
No. 4772  
Well, I've never been in Portugal, it's hard to say something. All I see in other chans, even PTchan, is other countries bullying them, and calling them broke (economically) and etc. I think they're not so different, but still better than us.

They're mostly nice with each other, but they can also being cunts. That's all.
No. 4773  
I didn't mean Portugal, I did mean compared to other Brazilians. But thanks anyway.

How do you having fun? Is there any anime/game/whatevercons in your city?
No. 4774  
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Nice voice. :3
Say in portuguese, please: "That feel when no girlffiend"
No. 4775  
I usually go out with some friends. But here we have clubs and all these kind of places, but I try to avoid.
No. 4776  
We don't have a translation for this, but literally would be like this:

"Aquele sentimento quando... sem namorada."

No. 4778  

What city are you from? In your city were riots after the defeat in the World Cup?
No. 4779  
I'm from Rio, and no.

But since last elections, people are protesting on the streets for Dilma's impeachment, and claiming for a military intervention on politics (all pacifically).
No. 4780  
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Your government is taking any steps to end the illegal felling of the Amazon jungle?
No. 4781  
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I don't think so. Probably they'll do nothing. Our government don't care too much about Amazon, only some parties does, like PV.

These topics only come up in elections times. Usually we don't even talk or think about this here.
No. 4782  
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What do you think about this guy? Is he a shame of brazilian drivers or not?
No. 4783  
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Brazil had only one good driver, who was Ayrton. The rest is just the rest. Rubinho had won some races back in the day, but is total shit now, and Massa is becoming shit too.
No. 4784  
What was the coldest temperature in Brazil in your life? Have you been to colder places?
No. 4785  
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I think it was 11°C, in a trip to Curitiba.

And no, I never went out of my country. ;-;
No. 4786  
it's warm as hell
right now i have -4°C
here, take a look: http://410chan.org/int/src/134967524448.jpg
its often like this in winter
you may be interested in this thread: http://410chan.org/int/res/4027.html
winter is coming tho, and i suppose you have the spring or even summer now
how are the seasons btw
No. 4787  
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Man, I'm from Rio. We usually got +30°C in a normal day. Earlier today we got ~24°C, and some people were using long t-shirts. But the weather over here it's pretty crazy, sometimes we got a beautiful morning, and at night a storm.

But I prefer cold, honestly. You guys are lucky to have such a good weather over there.

And yes, we are in spring/heading to summer. The seasons are:

>Fall: 21 march to 21 de june
>Winter: 21 june to 23 september
>Spring: 23 september to 21 december
>Summer: 21 de december to 21 de march
No. 4788  
>We usually got +30°C in a normal day.
jeez, dats hot
not hot-hot, but pretty much uncomfy already
>But I prefer cold, honestly.
come visit us at winter :DDD
dont forget to bring warm clothes
your lowest experienced temperature 11°C is pretty comfy for me, but a good chunk of a year we have below zero degrees and i must say its bretty cold if you aint dressed up properly >_<
>The seasons are:
and what are the differences between seasons regarding temp and weather and overall ?_?
No. 4789  
I'll definitely visit Russia someday, and I'll make sure to carry some warm clothes.

>what are the differences between seasons regarding temp and weather and overall ?_?

The weather still pretty much the same, except for fall/winter that goes a bit colder, and rains a lot. The rest is the basic 25/30°C.
No. 4790  
What songs in portuguese in Brazil, the most popular at the present time?
No. 4792  
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>tfw watching video from mobile devices is prohibited.
I'll watch it tomorrow.
No. 4794  
> Ask a Brazilian anything
> 26 posts and 15 images omitted

> Ask a drunk American anything
> 0 posts and -1 images omitted
No. 4795  
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Soon all your America will kirdik.
What interest to communicate with a drunk?
No. 4796  
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Brazil > EUA.
No. 4797  
Drunk american > drunk russian > drunk european > shit > urine > brazilian
No. 4798  
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>implying that a drunk [something] is good

As >>4795 said, what interest to communicate with a drunk? Go drink your водка, Sergei.
No. 4799  
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No. 4800  
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Nice dubs.

Also, check 'em.
No. 4801  
>dubzcheckin on a semi-ded board
No. 4802  
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>didn't got dubs
>got mad instead

Hold your tears, Vlad.
No. 4803  
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Brasilfag, what happened to the 77chan? He's dead? Again?

russianfag from int
No. 4804  
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oh, and btw what happened to brchan
i missed everything
No. 4805  
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77 was taken from Psy (mod from dogolachan) again. I think it won't be back for a while, or maybe it will never come back. It's sad, I actually like some boards from that chan.

And BRchan is dead, sorry. ;-;
No. 4806  
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He died long ago. Many brazilian chans were born and died after that.
No. 4807  
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Oh, I see... It's sad.
No. 4808  
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and whats with all ppls from there
No. 4809  
People from BRchan were spread to other chans back in the day.

People from 77chan is currently spread to other many chans, like 1500, for exemple.
No. 4810  
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B-but 1500 doesn't have /int/.
No. 4811  
Yeah, most of the chans doesn't have an /int/. I'm sorry, russianbro, but you're homeless right now. ;-;

The only choice you have is lurk to those chans, and pray to 77chan come back.
No. 4812  
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Yeah, apparently, I have no choice but to emigrate to Chile. They have /int/. Oh, these culiao chileans...
No. 4813  
Just so you know, I love Cirno.
No. 4814  
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I don't like anime, sorry.
No. 4815  
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So what?

Brasilfag, what's news? 77 has not been raised yet?
No. 4816  
No, and right now I pretty sure that it won't never be back.
No. 4817  
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Oh, I see. I will miss him.
No. 4824  

Enjoy, russianfag. Also, our japanfag is there too.
No. 4825  
Thanks, man.
>our japanfag is the too
The whole team is assembled.:3
No. 4826  
do you like funki brosil ?
No. 4827  
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No really. I listen just for fun occasiaonally, but it's not something I would put on my iPod.
No. 4860  
You don't have an iPod, you fucking negro.
No. 4862  
iphone-6-line-new-2.jpg - (100.41KB, 576×424)
I'm fucking negro, I don't have an Apple production, because I'm not a gay. I've android and I'm okey.
No. 4868  
ipod.jpg - (35.76KB, 960×720)
>não tenho, então ninguém pode ter também

Vai se fuder, macaquinho! Nem todo mundo é sustentado pelos pais e fica o dia inteiro procrastinando em casa igual a você.

I just use my cellphone for calls, I brought an iPod just for listening music, games, and all that.
No. 4936  
What percent out of the whole population is interested in fart-porn?
No. 4940  
I have no idea. That's a very unusual porn tag here, I guess.

Are Slovenians into fart porn?
No. 4941  
Not really. I asked just because I saw a few videos and all of them were Brazilian. It would be better to say - I've never seen non-Brazilian fart porn.
No. 4942  
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Well, I don't know what to say. Only thing I can do is feel ashamed. ;-;
No. 4944  
ooh ooh ah ah
No. 4945  
sorry i can't speak burger
No. 4947  
>says he doesn't speak american
>speaks american
No. 4957  
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i only speak the best english, m8.
No. 4966  
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No. 4981  
Do you like Argentina, Chile and Uruguay?
No. 4982  
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Uruguayans(?) are ok, and I think their country is based. I'm really considering to move there.

Argentinians are horrible, I've saw some of them during the World Cup here, and they just couldn't stop yelling some football shit and drinking. But their country seems nice.

I don't know too much about Chileans. There are some of then living in our beaches, selling "street art". Never spoke to one before.

What about you? What do you think about your fellow Slavic friends?
No. 4985  
>What about you? What do you think about your fellow Slavic friends?
we love each other deeply (at least belarussians and ukrainians) but are too harsh, strict and tsundere to each other
that is our love

t. not him
No. 4990  
Please, come! We need more users.

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