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No. 3687  
Привет, ребята.
I just bought this book. Am I doing it right to learn the great history of one of the greatest countries of all time?
No. 3689  
>Привет, ребята.
I guess "Привет, все." will be better.
>Walther Kirchner
Never heard something about him.
The most popular historians in Russia.
> to learn the great history of one of the greatest countries of all time
Why not, lol. Also we say "Russia is a country with an unpredictable past".
No. 3690  
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No. 3698  
Very informative.
No. 3700  
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In case you dont know... russian language was invented by the Jews, just like the "russians" themselves. Most well known russian authors are jewish (Korney Chukovsky) or half-jewish (Pushkin). Then there are no real russian culture.

A good example of how the Jews created russian history would be so called folk music ensembles of USSR, which were created by CPSU order. Formed from Jewish girls with bleached hairs (using hydrogen peroxide), these ensembles performed completely made-up songs, newly composed by Jewish authors. These Jews never performed real russian folk songs, which in many cases were antisemitic (or made fun of the Jews), like original wording to "Farewell of Slavianka." Neither they had authentic slavic garments.

Slavs here in Russia still think that these disguised jewish ensembles perform real russian folk music. Just like they believe that Christianity is their native religion, while the Jews, like Putin, are their chosen rulers. Russian slavs live in a virtual world, constructed by the Jews. It's no coincidence that word "slav" means "slave" in most languages. And the Jews remember pretty well, how they sold slavs on slave market back then.
No. 3701  
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Even cyrillic alphabet was adopted by the Jews from greek. Original slavic alphabet is called "glagolica"
No. 3702  
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Простой пример: любое национальное телевидение, которое я смотрю, хоть татарское, хоть болгарское, примерно половину эфирного времени транслирует фольклор либо передачи о национальной истории и культуре. Ничего подобного на русскоязычных каналах не наблюдается, оно и понятно.
No. 3703  
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So I'm not doing it right?...
No. 3704  
learn hebrew instead.
No. 3705  
Why not learn russian?
No. 3706  
It's золотце. He is a local conspiracy theorists, and he is absolutely crazy.
No. 3707  
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Russian is just a kitch. A profanation of a slavic language. Learn real language, like polish or serbian.

I'm not.

>Надеждина была дочерью известной писательницы Александры Бруштейн и внучкой Якова Выгодского — врача, идишеязычного литератора и министра по еврейским делам Литовской республики, погибшего в Виленском гетто

>Emmanuil Solomonovich Levinson
>studied at the Odessa gymnasium, where one of his classmates was Vladimir Zeev Jabotins
No. 3708  
Russia is an unique in that its national elite always consisted of national minorities. All russians rulers were german/jewish and recruited nobility from their own ethnicity. Even Putin has jewish gradnmother.

The only good way to develop Russia is to destroy it and import real slavic culture from Poland. Russia is destined to die.
No. 3710  
> import authentic slavic culture from Poland
i didnt know they had a culture past their own language

latvians and lithuanians are considered baltic slavs btw. what kind of slavs are in russia ?
No. 3717  
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>what kind of slavs are in russia ?
Strongly doubt russians know that themselves. A google seach for "russian slav" gives picrelated: a clearly Jewish person, who poses as a neo-nazi slav.

>latvians and lithuanians are considered baltic slavs btw.
Latvians are only half-slavic...

No. 3718  
Contrary to common misconception, Russians living on territory of Russian Federation are not of Slavic blood. The ancient inhabitants of Kiev’s principate were Slavic people, that’s true. When Moscow principality was created a few centuries later in the 14th century, its population was overwhelmingly Urgo-Finns. Descendants of Kiev’s genealogical tree, their princes were originally of Slavic blood. But when Kiev’s armies moved north with their small troops, they conquered enormous vast variety of Finnish tribes who lived on enormous territory of European Russia. Only aristocrats of Russia were originally Slavs. Simple folk were descendants of Finns. That is why it is practically no different between “Chuvash” and “Finn.” And that is why Serbs are so different from Russians. Because Serbs are Slavs.
No. 3719  
I am the best Russian writer, but I am forced to confess that I hate Russian language. Russian words are painfully long, they remind me of naked slimy worms. You know, those pink awful creatures that you can see on some hot summer night on path you walk. Worms get out of soil to copulate under the moonlight. Russian words are copulating on my table every day and night. I am looking at them with hate and I am screaming. I am gnashing my teeth. Why should put “icheskaya” to the end of “social” in “Social Republic?” Seven letters I am adding for what fuck? Fucking “icheskaya!” Hysterical, hystericheskii laugh goes out of me when I am imaging those fucking Urgo-Finns in their shadowy forests. They move in slow motion, they take their time. Why wasn’t I born in a clear lucid language dealing in “Achtung!” and “Shnell?” And when I think that Russians are only a handful of 142 million readers, it’s really depressing for a writer.
No. 3720  
Russian women are very, very bad. The worst of all. Russian women is like the Russian Government. Most Russian women at least are good looking when they are in their twenties. Some Russian women are gorgeously beautiful. But they are bad. They are treacherous because they have no moral principles. Christian faith was eliminated during existence of the Soviet Union so nobody taught Russian women morals. No such discipline was taught in Soviet schools. Russian woman hates man because she is envying him. She wants to be as brutal and stupid as him, she wants to lay on a divan doing nothing as man does, but she has less possibilities. Russian woman is disastrous, relationships with her destined to be tragedy. There is no way that you will end happily. You must subjugate her. If not, she will subjugate you. On both occasions, you will lose. Don’t forget that abortions and divorces were permitted even in Stalin’s Russia, so our country educated women as bitches. Millions of bitches walking our streets. I am absolutely and positively on the side of Muslim strict code of behavior for women. Their system of separation of sexes if effective and healthy.
No. 3722  
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i have nothing against certain ethincities. but what i hate is when people doesnt mind mixing and blending up into a grey blob. what does it mean when if some one is asked what women they like and he answers russian ? white-russian speaker ?
our national anthem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKITbBjO4nE
No. 3723  
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>Dievs, sveti Latviju
It's beautiful, Latvians preserved indian "Div" root for divine. Russian instead uses turkic "Bog". Hate russian.
No. 3724  
well thats not my accomplishment but yeah i like being a latvian.
that alphabet looks interesting.

>The two monks later canonized as Saints Cyril and Methodius, the brothers from Thessaloniki, were sent to Great Moravia in 862 by the Byzantine emperor at the request of Knyaz (Duke) Rastislav, who wanted to weaken the dependence of his country on East Frankish priests.
we actually dont have our alphabet. just like russian alphabet was made by Saints Cyril and Methodius our alphabet was made by baltic german clergy so to spread their faith ( influence ) .
No. 3726  
you are supposed to be east slavs

No. 3730  
Well, I finnished the book. It's kind interesting.
No. 3731  
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No. 3732  
i dont see russians
No. 3733  
russians are a myth.
No. 3734  
the russian language came from somewhere so i suppose it was the language of the tribes that lived around the first russian state - rus
No. 3735  
It came from Kiev Rus. Modern Russia/Ukraine/Belarus division is artificial, just like North/South Korea division. There should be Slavia instead of Russia and Rodnovery instead of Christianity, while Slavs should be recognized as owners of the land, just like Germans own Germany. Alas Putin prefers multiculturalism.
No. 3736  
>Alas Putin prefers multiculturalism.
imperialism in disguise. this "multicultural" party here is voted in and consists of overwhelmingly by russians. they organized the events for 9th may and also was for the second official language. so to seem credible multicultural party they defend the opinon the latvian dialect - latgalian should become an official language . and this became an issue after their defeat at russian language refernedum. before i havent even heard of latgalians themselves activily voicing they want latgalian to be an official language.
>In 1992, a new Latin Chechen alphabet was introduced, but after the defeat of the secessionist government, the Cyrillic alphabet was restored.
this doesnt sound multicultural
No. 3737  
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>this doesnt sound multicultural
Chechens never had a native writing system. Latin was used by separatists, as it was planned for Chechnya to become part of Turkey and EU. So chechen war was in fact with European Union. UK even provided currency for a new puppet government...

I.e. European Union is so weak, even Russia can defeat it.
No. 3740  
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It was funny.
No. 3741  
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welcome to russia!
No. 3743  
And what period of history the most interesting?
No. 3744  
yeah i mean everything that is not russia is european union
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