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No. 3565  
so what do you think of latvia ruskies ?
No. 3567  
Nothing special. Usual pro western ex soviet state.
No. 3568  
no if any one helped them then they helped in fighting the soviet union. i did participate in the events in 16 march. how does that make you feel ?
No. 3569  
whats your view on the referendum on changing the russian language status to that of an official here in latvia ?
No. 3571  
>Nazis were the good guys in WWII
more like nazis were the cool guys

>Soviet Union is a synonym for Jews.
even russian federation is. you must have heard of all those remarks putin directed to our gov authorities that they allowed us to gather and commemorate our heros on march the 16th.
what would he say if we banned russians from gathering on may the 9th
No. 3572  
>russian language is the instrument of globalization
its the instrument for russia to expand its sphere of influence

thats why i voted against. mind you i have nothing against EU . they embrace that we retain our ethincal uniquity not like russias politics for the past 150 years while we were under them in cycling out the latvian language in educational system and moving in large numbers of your people.
No. 3575  
communism62.jpg - (32.57KB, 350×394)
>i have nothing against EU
EU isn't much better than Russian Empire or US or Islamic Caliphate. Any form of globalization must be fought against. With EU your country already lost its sovereignty, because it doesn't control Central Bank (i.e. CB is a private entity). You should research yourself, how new euros are being issued.
No. 3576  
i dont have headphones here .i will try to listen to this and then formulate my answer.
No. 3577  
so you are saying euros are being issued like dollars are in US in where the senete have the control over the bank and it dictates it whether to launch the money printing machine or not. and whenever states are in a pinch they print more money.
from what i ve heard our government is not in favour in this practice and in our media its frowned upon and saying we dont stoop that low.

i dont know how does it work in eurozone.
No. 3578  
its the lesser of the two evils. i dont think NATO ( or US ) would want to bother protecting us if we were not returning any benefit.
by protecting from what happened to georgia in 2008
No. 3579  
communism72.jpg - (157.43KB, 1024×768)
I'm saying, that euros ARE dollars. Just like rubles (i.e. even Russia doesnt have much sovereignty today). Most countries don't control their central banks, which function as a currency boards. And that is not a crazy consipracy theory, but an established reality. While WTO basically functions like a good old Soviet State Planning Committee. I.e. you country can produce only what it is being allowed to.

For example,
>A major 1997 revision of the Bank of Japan Act (jp:日本銀行法) was designed to give it greater independence;[10] however, the Bank of Japan has been criticized for already possessing excessive independence and lacking in accountability before this law was promulgated.
No. 3581  
>how does that make you feel?
You are support nazi soldiers, such case.
>referendum on changing the russian language status
No. 3582  
>You are support nazi soldiers, such case.
so ?
no its not nice. you know how jews got back their country ? well this is slowly going in that direction
No. 3583  
>so ?
At Nuremberg thinking that Nazi is something bad.
>no its not nice
You aren't democrat, or what?
>well this is slowly going in that direction
If you will be acting like arabs it is.
No. 3584  
>moving in large numbers of your people.
When Soviet Union collapsed, there were multiple callings for returing home Slavs from former USSR countries, which were left in hard situation, but bastards like Eltsin and Putin refused. Instead Putin helps Tajik and Azeri immigrants. Putin even deports Slavs, who return to Russia illegaly.
No. 3585  
>You aren't democrat
what do you mean by that ? are you telling latvians dont need their own country ?
No. 3587  
>If you will be acting like arabs it is.
jews isolated arabs away from isreal. thats how they got back their country. we are in the possition of jews and slavs here are that of the arabs
No. 3588  
>At Nuremberg thinking that Nazi is something bad.
well in Latvia we are thinking soviets were something bad
No. 3589  
as i see it he wants to make all those various ethnic groups in russian so that they wouldnt want a country and russia would claim that terittory theirs
No. 3590  
Doubt Putin can or wants to claim anything. Alas, Putin puts them onto our heads. These people are noisy, have different traditions, social goals and this crazy islamic religion. They don't hesitate to slaughter sheeps on city streets during Eid al-Adha.
No. 3591  
>are you telling latvians dont need their own country ?
Where am i said that? That's you saying something against referendums in your country, not me.
>jews isolated arabs away from isreal
After few wars against jews, yes.
>we are in the possition of jews and slavs here are that of the arabs
I lol'd. Russia and Belorussia started war against Latvia and trying to destroy your state? All I see now, it's hysteria about a democratic referendum in their own country.
>well in Latvia we are thinking soviets were something bad
That's because you are support nazi soldiers... Interesting.
No. 3592  
>Where am i said that?
if the russians would have won in the referendum and they would have got russian language as the second official language of latvia then latvia is not latvians any more. might as well change its name to something more international.
No. 3593  
>Russia and Belorussia started war against Latvia and trying to destroy your state?

who started what ? russians in Latvia started to stir trouble with us.
No. 3596  
>then latvia is not latvians any more
If second language will destroy your country, it's pretty much non country.
>might as well change its name to something more international
Such life in 21st century.
>russians in Latvia started to stir trouble with us
You are independence state, and they are (OMG!) your citizens.
No. 3597  
>You are independence state, and they are (OMG!) your citizens.

we dont want them. you can take them back
No. 3598  
>Such life in 21st century.
not in Latvia its not
No. 3599  
>If second language will destroy your country, it's pretty much non country.

its funny i am thinking we are more of a country then you are
No. 3600  
>we dont want them. you can take them back
I lol'd. They are citizens of Latvia. If you dislike them, it's only your problems.
>not in Latvia its not
You can't fight with time. You can try like in old Japan, but that will be fail.
>its funny i am thinking we are more of a country then you are
I dunno. It's you talking about troubles "That can destroy Latvia" here.
No. 3603  
>we dont want them. you can take them back
Can you organize ethnic cleansing? Tajiks just killed most of the russian population in Tajikistan. You could do the same. Just give them hell!
No. 3604  
Yes. Just kill all russians in Latvia and we will present that as Putin's fault. Putin is the man behind all this.
No. 3606  
>Tajiks just killed most of the russian population in Tajikistan.


>In large part due to the foreign support they received, the Kulyabi militias were able to soundly defeat opposition forces and went on what has been described by Human Rights Watch as an ethnic cleansing campaign against Pamiris and Garmis.

uhm are you sure about that ? also if by foreign support they mean russia then are you responsible for the ethnic cleansing ?
No. 3607  
>You can try like in old Japan, but that will be fail.
what are you refering to ?
No. 3608  
>It's you talking about troubles "That can destroy Latvia" here.
well yeah if your people gain political power here its not the Latvia our founding fathers fought for. also they fought against you so that is even more of a reason to want you not any where near our devices.
No. 3612  
>also if by foreign support they mean russia then are you responsible for the ethnic cleansing ?
>Almost immediately after independence, Tajikistan was plunged into a civil war that saw various factions, allegedly backed by Russia and Iran[citation needed], fighting one another. All but 25,000 of the more than 400,000 ethnic Russians, who were mostly employed in industry, fled to Russia.

and a good amount of them were killed by both sides.
No. 3614  
>what are you refering to ?
You are want politics of isolationism. This is the most radical example.
>if your people
They are Latvians too, you know. They are just (OMG!) don't hate Russia.
>our founding fathers fought for
Yeah, one Latvians fought with other Latvians. This is troubles of your country.
>they fought against you
Who is this peoples?
No. 3617  
>Who is this peoples?
latvians who wanted our own country. we fought against those who didnt want us to have our own country.
>Yeah, one Latvians fought with other Latvians.
would you not fight if islamic extremists would want to make your country uphold sharia laws ?
>They are Latvians too, you know.
ethnicaly no. they have latvian citizenship but its a widespread opinion that our gov shouldnt have issued them our passports form the start.
No. 3618  
am not sure if you were aware but in every single latvian media was in uproar along us latvians when they went forward with the language initiative. i too didnt care much about russians here until they did that. now i have so much anger pent up inside directed to them as i start to see they might be a bug for many other faults latvia has.
No. 3620  
>They are just (иисус бог!) don't hate Russia.
i dont hate russia . i hate those power hungry assholes of a leaders your country has. i might even go work to russia after i finish my studies. i heard on radio ( national station ) that we of europian education are in demand over there.
also we latvians fight as much as you do
No. 3621  

>and a good amount of them were killed by both sides.
so the russians were not directly targeted
>Tajikistan was plunged into a civil war that saw various factions, allegedly backed by Russia and Iran[citation needed], fighting one another.
>Iran did not involve itself militarily, but provided ideological support for Muslims who had long been denied the right to freely exercise their faith in the U.S.S.R.
>Iran did not involve itself militarily
No. 3624  
Nice chat you have there, guys.
No. 3625  
>ethnicaly no
Meanwhile 21st century.
>that our gov shouldnt have issued them our passports form the start
Only ethnic cleanings! Only hardcore!
>would you not fight if islamic extremists would want to make your country uphold sharia laws ?
We haven't 1/4 of country (and it's with full citizenship only) of "islamic extremists".
>now i have so much anger pent up inside directed to them
Don't worry. Many of them dislike your nationalists too. But you just don't care about their opinion before this referendum.
>иисус бог!
lol. It's "Господи Иисусе!".
>I dont hate Latvia. I hate those power hungry assholes of a leaders your country has
Same here.
>europian education
I don't think they keep it in mind.
No. 3627  
>I dont hate Latvia. I hate those power hungry assholes of a leaders your country has

ok why do you think so ? how do our power hungry assholes affect you ? because we cant have a misile launchers on our land but you can because the high commender of your army treatened they will make a strike if we will posses misiles.
No. 3628  
>But you just don't care about their opinion before this referendum.
why makes you think we care about their opinion
No. 3629  
not really he is not even trying. he either just wants to piss me off or he really does look down on us latvians
No. 3630  
>so the russians were not directly targeted
During an unstable situation, it's enough to arm lativians and close eyes to all what they'll do to russians. The dollar will collapse soon, so there comes your chance to purge russians.
No. 3631  
>ok why do you think so ?
Perhaps because your country has a fucking holiday dedicated to the Nazi soldiers?
>how do our power hungry assholes affect you?
On me? They don't affect on me. How do our "power hungry assholes" affect you?
> because we cant have a misile launchers
And who can to prohibited such things for independence country?
>because the high commender of your army treatened they will make a strike if we will posses misiles.
In the event of war with NATO, yes.

Oh yes, "freedom press".
>Russia's top military officer has threatened to carry out a pre-emptive strike on U.S.-led NATO missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe

>Генштаб не исключает упреждающего удара по системам ЕвроПРО в случае обострения ситуации
>The General Staff does not exclude pre-emptive strike on European missile defense systems in case of aggravation of the situation
>in case of aggravation of the situation
Is it surprise somebody? Anti-Missile systems threaten to our missiles. And of course in case of war we will illuminate them. Why is it surprise somebody?
>why makes you think we care about their opinion
This thread?
>look down on us latvians
What? It's you "look down" on your own countryman.
No. 3632  
>in case of war we will illuminate them
but its not war now . they would shell them if we would even posses them.
No. 3633  
>"freedom press"
i dont know what you are talking about
No. 3634  
>Perhaps because your country has a fucking holiday dedicated to the Nazi soldiers?
your freedom of press in action . 16th of march is not a holiday and not even a day of national importance. we gather of our own free will.
No. 3635  
>This thread
yes its the result of the referendum most likely that i have become this angry . i would care about their opinion if it wouldnt be shit
>your own countryman
you misspelled imigrants
No. 3636  
i just googled for russia strike NATO missiles . i heard of the fact on radio
No. 3637  
>they would shell them
>in case of aggravation of the situation
That's mean "close to war".
>not a holiday and not even a day of national importance
Nice. Your government just "okay" with procession of Nazi soldiers + their supporters. Better, indeed.
> imigrants
With Latvian citizenship, sure.
>i just googled for russia strike NATO missiles . i heard of the fact on radio
That's great that you heard interpretation of some Latvian journalist of translation speech of Russian general on Russian "conference on missile defense" on Russian language.
No. 3640  
>in case of aggravation of the situation
what does that entitle ? i understand and our media present it as the "aggravation of the situation " is when we will install those launchers . what makes you so sure this is not the case ?


>With Latvian citizenship
this is the problem

>Your government just "okay" with procession of Nazi soldiers + their supporters.

and your government is ok with processions of red army soldiers and their supporters
No. 3641  
>what does that entitle ?
If will be a situation in which war between NATO and Russia can begin at any time. Sort of Caribbean crisis.
>is when we will install those launchers
No. But you will be priority target in case of war.
>what makes you so sure this is not the case?
He said "обострение ситуации" that's mean some crisis in situation. All our politics talking about counteraction to the U.S. missile defense. Nobody talking about "coming war with NATO", it's hysteria in western media.
>and your government is ok with processions of red army soldiers and their supporters
Maybe because they are saved my country from genocide from nazi soldiers?
No. 3644  
Raygold, go away already.
No. 3652  
>Maybe because they are saved my country from genocide from nazi soldiers?
16th march was when the two latvian divisions fought side by side for the first time the advancing red army and won. it was in russias territory ( near our border ) . they fought with all they had because they feared you would continue where you left off from the first occupation - taking away peoples property and sending them to siberia to die which they did.
notice the latvian flags. they are our heros.
No. 3653  
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>You aren't democrat, or what?
you are a liberal or what ?
No. 3657  
I'm very glad that 2 Nazi divisions fought for glorious Latvia, yes.
It's you land of freedom and democracy here.
No. 3659  
As a said, just go away already. Why do you post this links?
No. 3660  
>It's you land of freedom and democracy here.
its the home of latvians. and if some one is going to tarnish my home they will deserve my anger and wrath
No. 3661  
communism78.jpg - (75.95KB, 459×728)
All hate you, commies.
No. 3662  
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Send them to North Korea.
No. 3663  
>Said Золотце.
No. 3666  
>Yes, I count only pure slavs, because finno-ugric and turkic ethnicities aint our problem.
this reminded me of something. there is a colored person in my class and when asked he says he is russian. russian name and surname. he hangs with other russians of my school.
and around 9th may i saw another colored pupil with both russian federation and that orange-white striped flag pinned to his clothes going full russian with his friends.
No. 3667  
i meant orange-black striped
No. 3669  
jew47.jpg - (144.94KB, 500×335)
"Russian" is not an ethnicity, religion or race denomination. It's a territorial and language denomination. Just like Soviet or American.
No. 3670  
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It's a St. George Ribbon. George was a jewish revolutionary, who has overthrown some ancient pagan government. Same George is depicted on russian and moscow coats of arms and Georgia is named after him, Basicalliy, St. George represents Jews defeating goyim (pagan snake).
No. 3671  
It's Guards Ribbon.
St. George Ribbon has yellow and black strips, not orange.
No. 3672  
You are almost right, but I can say that I'm american too.
No. 3673  
It is.
"America" - "USA", such life in Russia. Others Mexicans, Canadians, Brazilians, etc.
No. 3674  
Alas when one says "American" he in fact means a U.S. citizen.
No. 3675  
so you slavs dont have your own country . how does that feels ?
No. 3676  
We are Russians, i'm okay with it.
No. 3678  
so niggers can become russians too . your standarts sure are low
No. 3680  
You are really nazi. Great.
No. 3682  

Ok, I understand, but it's a cultural error which was fed over time.
No. 3683  
The meaning of the word American in the English language varies, according to the historical, geographical, and political context in which it is used. It is derived from America, a term originally denoting all of the New World (also called "the Americas").
No. 3684  
are chechens russian too ?
No. 3685  
Part of them - yes.
No. 3686  
muslim09.jpg - (189.27KB, 1186×800)
Chechens were akin to indian criminal tribes, formed from various outcasts from all around. They made living by pirating roads, trading slaves and klling each other.

No. 3692  
which part ?
No. 3693  
chechens - terorists
latvians - nazis

whats georgians then ?
No. 3694  
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chechens - pirates
georgia - u.s. puppet state
No. 3695  
why would they turn to practicing pirating ?
No. 3696  
there is a street named after dzhohar dudaev btw.
No. 3697  
Who considers themselves as Russians.
>latvians - nazis
Just you are. Not "latvians".
No. 3699  
Why do somalis turned?
No. 3711  
i dont know
No. 3712  
>Just you are. Not "latvians".
this is just a matter of how you define a nazi. i havent read main kamf and i dont want latvians to seek dominance over subhumans russians.
No. 3715  
>georgia - u.s. puppet state
wasnt soviet government pro-war propoganda that of they needed to liberate latvians off the nacistic puppet government back in WWII
No. 3716  
>Stalin considered himself russian and one of the most beloved russian writers was half-nigger half-jewish
way of an example
>one of the most beloved russian writers was half-nigger half-jewish
i havent read pushkin and i dont think i am missing something out
No. 3725  
communism102.jpg - (145.94KB, 800×556)
Even a puppet regime is better than forced loss of sovereignty.

Don't argue with a crazy commie. People were completely against USSR.

Littlepage described how, as soon as he arrived in the Soviet mines in 1928, he became aware of the scope of industrial sabotage, the method of struggle preferred by enemies of the Soviet régime. There was therefore a large base fighting against the Bolshevik leadership, and if some well-placed Party cadres were encouraging or simply protecting the saboteurs, they could seriously weaken the régime. Here is Littlepage's description.

One day in 1928 I went into a power-station at the Kochbar gold-mines. I just happened to drop my hand on one of the main bearings of a large Diesel engine as I walked by, and felt something gritty in the oil. I had the engine stopped immediately, and we removed from the oil reservoir about two pints of quartz sand, which could have been placed there only by design. On several other occasions in the new milling plants at Kochkar we found sand inside such equipment as speed-reducers, which are entirely enclosed, and can be reached only by removing the hand-hold covers.

Such petty industrial sabotage was --- and still is --- so common in all branches of Soviet industry that Russian engineers can do little about it, and were surprised at my own concern when I first encountered it ....

Why, I have been asked, is sabotage of this description so common in Soviet Russia, and so rare in most other countries? Do Russians have a peculiar bent for industrial wrecking?

People who ask such questions apparently haven't realized that the authorities in Russia have been --- and still are --- fighting a whole series of open or disguised civil wars. In the beginning they fought and dispossessed the aristocracy, the bankers and landowners and merchants of the Tsarist régime .... they later fought and dispossessed the little independent farmers and the little retail merchants and the nomad herders in Asia.

`Of course it's all for their own good, say the Communists. But many of these people can't see things that way, and remain bitter enemies of the Communists and their ideas, even after they have been put back to work in State industries. From these groups have come a considerable number of disgruntled workers who dislike Communists so much that they would gladly damage any of their enterprises if they could.'
No. 3727  
>industrial sabotage, the method of struggle preferred by enemies of the Soviet régime.
briliant but communism will not come back what russia wants now is the possesion of the entry to the baltic sea. they want to become a superpower.
No. 3728  
Russia already has entry to the baltic sea.
No. 3729  
they want MOAR!
No. 3738  
I don't believe you don't know Russian.
No. 3745  
i know english better then russian and russian better then french
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