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pernalonga.jpg - (57.99KB, 720×540)
No. 3086  
Hello /int.
66 posts omitted. Last 50 posts shown.
No. 3439  
30 fight with snow.jpg - (508.55KB, 1600×1200)
Today is quite warm and the snow melts in a places with high traffic.
No. 3440  
31 dirt.jpg - (522.58KB, 1600×1200)
And dirt still winning.
No. 3441  
31 terrorists.jpg - (500.75KB, 1600×1200)
The enemy will not pass!
btw this is our canalization. Underground.
No. 3442  
32 church.jpg - (543.63KB, 1600×1200)
Never been there.
No. 3443  
33 road police.jpg - (402.45KB, 1600×1200)
Sometimes they are stopped someone.
No. 3444  
34 imperial industry.jpg - (327.09KB, 1200×1600)
I'm in an old industrial area of the city. Earlier in imperial times there were many factories. Some pipes are still smoking. A hundred years, if not more.
No. 3445  
35 church2.jpg - (593.77KB, 1600×1200)
In the chapel hangs a huge bell which ring sometimes.
No. 3446  
36.jpg - (477.96KB, 1600×1200)
Ahead of the bridge.
No. 3447  
37 monument.jpg - (426.02KB, 1600×1200)
btw monument to Peter The Great.
No. 3448  
Nice beehive in the background.
Объясни, Питер-кун, что это такое.

BTW your job rules must be not very strict.
No. 3449  
38 imperial ind + trees.jpg - (315.72KB, 1200×1600)
On some industrial buildings have grown small trees.
No. 3450  
Extend the sewer. For several years building a new wastewater treatment plant.
Interestingly, do planes flying in such mist?
Half of the TV tower is not visible.
No. 3451  
40 Bridge traffic.jpg - (338.16KB, 1600×1200)
There is no way to cross the road here.
No. 3452  
41 From bridge.jpg - (274.98KB, 1600×1200)
No. 3453  
42 bridge other side.jpg - (341.69KB, 1600×1200)
And i run to work. Late by 30 minutes. But nobody cares.
No. 3454  
127464793.jpg - (222.53KB, 784×588)
I thought this was Aurora.
No. 3455  
nareznoy.jpg - (72.67KB, 800×600)
> beehive
Pretty tall building.
>что это такое
Ну это... Булка, лол. Сорт хлеба белого, выпускаемого в виде батона.
>your job rules must be not very strict
It is. God bless my job. And i lose few hours for posting this pictures instead of working.
No. 3456  
Aurora.jpg - (277.63KB, 1600×1200)
It is.
No. 3457  
Path.png - (659.33KB, 934×701)
>I kind didn't get it...
Sort of "Places not for tourists".
Any animals here?
>And how about taxis in Russia?
In S-Pb this path ~10$ for taxi. Or ~75 cents for subway.
>companies have their specific colors, some use random cars, but there are no common color for all of them
No. 3458  
20517426.jpg - (562.94KB, 1280×856)
Хм, а "сайка" тогда что?
Домик впечатляющий всё-таки.
Ага, не разглядел, темновато и мыльновато.

Добра тебе, кстати, что на работу пешком ходишь. Некоторые живут в 15 минутах ходьбы и всё равно на повозке ездят.
No. 3459  
s.jpg - (19.57KB, 600×450)
>а "сайка" тогда что?
Булочки такие маленькие всякие.
No. 3462  
Awesome pictures!
I'm at uni, so when I'll be back home, I'll post more pictures. And I'll post a few when I was on the beaches, just in the end of summer.
>Any animals here?
Just a few birds, and dogs.
It's now 21°C
How I wish I could back to german winter...
No. 3484  
Ok, tomorow I'll try my last email to her. Is russian college studants really busy this time? Like tests, work, etc?
No. 3485  
>Is russian college studants really busy this time?
April? Nope, they shouldn't.
May, June is very troublesome months. But this is depends of teachers...
No. 3487  
1730358824.jpg - (83.30KB, 400×300)
No. 3488  
Haters gonna hate.
No. 3492  
She answered my email! Ypa!
Btw, >>3458 this is the most awesome building ever.
No. 3496  
Ural-kun ITT. Ask your questions
No. 3512  
porto alegre1.jpg - (213.43KB, 826×585)
Here it is. Another cold day in Porto Alegre part II. This day was actually kind cold, like 11°C.
No. 3515  
porto alegre2.jpg - (177.88KB, 828×548)
No. 3516  
porto alegre3.jpg - (214.93KB, 825×552)
I really like this building. It's near from my home.
No. 3517  
porto alegre4.jpg - (134.60KB, 467×607)
This is funny. We still have the consulate of Yuguslav, but it just operates for Serbia and Montenegro.
No. 3518  
porto alegre5.jpg - (259.68KB, 826×574)
No. 3520  
Wow, is this a residential building?

btw, any flowers in city?
For municipal flower beds the most popular tulips here.
No. 3523  
porto alegre6.jpg - (167.13KB, 824×556)
I got banned for spam... so I had to stop posting...
This chursch kind reminds me Greece.
No. 3524  
porto alegre7.jpg - (207.35KB, 828×553)
No, It's a comercial building.
>btw, any flowers in city?
There are a few, Today I'm going to a country city, so there are more flowers there.
No. 3525  
porto alegre9.jpg - (178.77KB, 827×571)
That feel when living in a city that was build up in hills...
This is kind our "Central Park".
No. 3526  
porto alegre8.jpg - (226.05KB, 824×572)
A typical South Brazilian.
No. 3527  
porto alegre12.jpg - (161.49KB, 827×557)
Ok, I have to go now, later I'll post more.
No. 3530  
>country city
What is this?
Omg. They are herbivores or carnivores?
Turtles settled there themselves or somebody settled them there?
>Bush with yellow
Is it flowers or berries?
No. 3534  
>They are herbivores or carnivores?
I guess this video will answer your question.
When I was young I seetled my turtle there lol.
A lot of people do that, but they are comon here too.
>Is it flowers or berries?
Can't really remember, but I guess it's flowers.
I wanted to write "inner city".
No. 3535  
>When I was young I seetled my turtle there
Your parents were not afraid that turtle will bite off your fingers?
No. 3536  
It was really small, so there was no problem.
No. 3537  
I had a turtle once when i was a kid.
It refused to eat and then died.
No. 3538  
No. 3539  
Maybe it was a see turtle?
No. 3549  
Here in Brazil it is terrible illegal to have a see turtle. People can go to jail, I guess, because of it.
No. 4210  
With hate from Samara.
No. 4211  
There is no any theme...
No. 4212  
Просто картинки понравились. Смотрю каждый день.
Очень странно, не находите?
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