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No. 2840  
How do I distinguish Asian races by their appearance? For example, a Chinese from a Korean and Japanese (particularly women). I can't really differ European races as well.

Advise your advices.
No. 2841  
Why do you need this?
No. 2842  
Интересно же. В повседневной жизни встречается много азиатов, если они болтают, то ещё можно понять, а если молчат/говорят по-русски — хрен. Самому спрашивать у незнакомого неприлично.
No. 2863  
In my head:

Chinese faces are mostly round and the skin is darker than Japanese and Koreans.
Japanese have a plain face and the skin is lighter.
Koreans are in the middle
No. 2881  
Growing up with a lot of Koreans and Chinese, I've become pretty good at differentiating between the three different East Asian ethnicities by sight. Granted, my average is only in the 75% range, anyone who claims they can do better ON SIGHT ALONE is full of shit (but of course, there are all sorts of additional cultural clues when observing someone that make it obvious what they are, even before they actually speak whatever their language is).


Mostly right; Chinese people tend to have the smallest heads in proportion to the rest of their bodies, narrowest eyes of the three East Asian ethnicities (Koreans a close second), comparatively darker skin, and somewhat round and squat noses compared to the more curvilinear noses of Koreans and Japanese. The nose for Chinese people is really key since it almost always bigger, more bulbous than those of Koreans or Japanese (look at Jackie Chan).

Koreans are generally more light-skinned and have wider, more rigidly symmetric/polygonal faces than Chinese or Japanese. Japanese essentially look like slightly darker Koreans with better nutrition (more body mass, more muscle in men, more cleavage in women, etc). Since the Japanese and Koreans are very closely related genetically, anyone who says they can 100% differentiate on sight is full of shit; since all East Asian nationalities have been intermarrying since, well, forever...it's also impossible to be 100% accurate with your guesses.

Want to blow your mind? Try to differentiate Mongols, Koreans, and ethnic Kazakhs from one another. You won't be able to.
No. 2882  
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There's also this hilariously racist WWII manual published by the U.S. government "How to Spot a Jap", to help soldiers differentiate between Chinese and Japanese individuals. It's more than a bit outdated, but it goes to show that differentiating the two on sight can be done.
No. 2885  
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>Try to differentiate Mongols, Koreans, and ethnic Kazakhs from one another.
I was studying with Mongols, they really look similar to Koreans, but Kazakhs... Well, apparently I haven't met any ethnic Kazakhs, because all of them I know really differ from the other Asians. I'd rather put Yakuts instead.
It's pretty amusing.
No. 2889  
Speaking with Chinese guy revealed he couldn't make any difference between Chinese, Japanese or Korean persons unless they start talking.
What is the tread about? In Russia people imagine that "Asians don't look the same to Asians". They probably can spot more difference in faces, not in nationalities.
No. 2891  
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>In Russia people imagine that "Asians don't look the same to Asians".
What am I reading?
No. 2892  
On the large scale, there is zero difference. I keep seeing the same features in all East Asian nations. Only Asians themselves keep claiming otherwise, though their descriptions of those subtle differences in facial features are always horribly inconsistent. I blame ethnic escapism and an overinflated sense of national pride.
No. 2897  
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No. 2898  
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Chinese guy here. I go to a school in the US where there's an equal number of Chinese to Korean. I don't know enough Japanese people to make a generalization.

Koreans are taller. They're notably taller. Japanese are shorter, notably shorter. Same with the frame.

Nose: N. Chinese, Korea, and Japan have a bridge nose. Such that the nose starts higher up. S. Chinese women have their noses start lower

Nose2: Koreans have the most western noses. Japanese have the middle of the nose drop down the most (not as much as Jews, but figuratively). Chinese have nostrils open out.

Jaw: Korean women notably have a larger, fuller square jaw.

Eyes: This is the greatest distinction. Koreans, without any cosmetic surgery have the thinnest eyes. As a result, there's usually a line around the lower eyelid. I call it a wrinkle. Chinese women seldom get this wrinkle.
No. 2899  
I'll continue. It's fair to generalize Koreans at least, because the country is 95% homogeneous with little to no immigration even today. With a population of about 50 million in the land size of say Iceland/Portugal, the people will share some common traits.

Japan has a weaker case because there's a larger amount of people 200 million. But still the same story of small land area (about the size of Germany) and low levels of immigration.

It's important to note, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, _rarely_ intermix. Not in the 1940's, not today. It would be shocking to me to find a Korean-Chinese marriage. A Israeli-Nigerian couple would make more sense to me. Koreans stick together. That's the case.

Nothing can stereotype a typical Chinese person. Nothing. 1 Billion people and you get a mess. But you can generalize people from one city. They look alike, they talk alike, they eat alike. There's reason for this. Daughters/females were not allowed to leave home. They could only move if their husband moved. This limit on movement creates some regionalism, especially in areas they marked as the best China could offer.
No. 2916  
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No. 2960  
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It’s just something you pick up when you live around a lot of them
No. 3014  
I just can't resist to mention the bearded joke of ours.

Georgian, Ukrainian and Slovakian ride in the elevator.
Suddenly, it stops and two Japanese men come in.
Elevator closes, and men continue to ascend together, and one Japanese man looks around, and whispers to another one: "These Russians are all the same, aren't they?"

I guess that the point is clear, isn't it?
No. 3015  
I don't get the joke, you do all look the same.
No. 3016  
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Are you sure?
No. 3018  
You kidding? Georgians are Mediterranean type(like Greeks, Italians, etc) with darker skin, darker hair, more body hair. Tempers are alike as well.

As for Ukranian and Russian, they really are indistinguishable by their looks unless they wear national clothing and hairdos. That's mostly because current Ukranian nation is somewhat artificial: judging by which state you prefer, you could call Southern and Eastern Ukraine populated by Russians, or say that people in Rostov and Krasnodar are Ukranians. They aren't really different by looks or by the langauge they speak in their daily life(it has a derogatory name 'суржик' and no normal name I know of). Western Ukraine has not been under Russian rule for almost 1000(i.e. never as it's more than the age of Moscow) years before World War 2, their language has a lot of words borrowed from Romance and Germanic languages and they have major influence in political and cultural life of modern Ukraine(because Easterners split into strictly pro-Russia and neutrals and can't have the majority), but they still look the same as Russians. Only the percentage of people with blond hair and blue eyes is lower - but that's natural as Ukraine has warm and sunny climate compared to Russia.
No. 3072  
Han Chinese are heavily Mongoloid. Swarthy, short, stocky, round faces, dark skin, wide and flat noses.

Koreans are more gracile than Chinese. They have very pale skin and are often of more slender build.

Japanese are generally the tallest. Slender build, medium or fair skin tone, and the widest eyes.
No. 3076  
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This. Many non-Slavic Russians do look like Georgians. Some even look like Japs themselves.
Picrelated: Soviet Evenki sniper who slaughtered 360 pieces of nazi scum (including one Major General) and 7 Japs.
No. 3079  
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>Han Chinese are short
>Japanese are generally the tallest
No. 3080  
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