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risti.jpg - (24.52KB, 362×303)
No. 2613  
Good day to you my friends.

Here's the story. I found a memorycard on a parkinglot of a seaport. It seems to contain holidaypictures of a russian family. I would like to find out who they are and return their files to them. Tips on the card are only few and I can't read them. Can someone help me with this one? First tip would be on this picture, since card begins with funeral and could tell a name.
No. 2614  
mesta.jpg - (661.60KB, 3072×2304)
This maybe tells something about general location?
No. 2616  
kukkia.jpg - (39.64KB, 529×664)
Flowershop nearby maybe?
No. 2617  
OP-picture looks like headstone, for man Kolpikov Victor b. 22 feb. 1916, d. 24 apr. 2008.

Building itself doesn't remind anything—just incomplete building.

And third picture says about some company named "Orange" and phone number in St. Petersburgю
No. 2618  
pariskunta.jpg - (177.93KB, 1536×1152)
I guess not much of a tip on these. Well, even if there is a name I doubt I will be able to find anyone with only that. So lets do the obvious. I will now post picture of the couple, where their faces can be seen. Go on, spread the word, maybe thei'll hear about this.

First of all, these two are in lot of the pictures, so I believe they own the card. Not sure if I should post picture of the kids.
No. 2619  
>Not sure if I should post picture of the kids.
No. 2620  

If I had kids, I wouldn't want their pictures posted on internet by stangers.
No. 2621  
But you haven't kids :3
No. 2622  
aamiainen.jpg - (181.44KB, 1536×1152)

No I don't. But still, at least yet the kids ain't gonna get their picture on the internet. Here's another picture of the adults though.
No. 2626  
d12[1].jpg - (71.37KB, 596×376)
Looks like this is the house from the picture
But it was finished 2 years ago according to this page http://www.baltinveststroy.ru/dom-na-ul-sofi-kovalevskoi

What is the date this pic was taken on?
No. 2627  

The picture was taken 18.4.2008. I think it was actually a bad idea to post that one, since there's no visible links to the people on the pictures. It's just a random picture among the others and doesn't seem to have any big meaning. Well, they've been close to the building, but that's it.
No. 2628  
merellä.jpg - (135.09KB, 1536×1152)
New pic from the card. Talk about this, in big forums you talk in and places like that. At some point they or somebody they now should be able to see these pictures.
No. 2632  
laivalla.jpg - (173.15KB, 1536×1152)
Here they are, going on cruise.
No. 2634  
Op, do you have some Lost&found service? 'Cause you only find them if somebody knows here this couple personally i think.
No. 2635  

Yes, it's a fact that someone pretty much must know them, to find them. Also it was 2009 when I found this card, I was on my way to my own cruise and forgot about the card, till I was cleaning my files and came to touch with it again.

I have googled the web for people who have lost their card or camera in Helsinki, but no luck there. I think it's better change this way, than to take it into some random lost&found.

That is why I hope, that people would spread the word. It seems quite obvious that cards owner is russian, so I have posted this same thing in two russian chans. Hoping that people here would spread them maybe to big russian forums and such for the word to spread and with time, to come to contact with these people or people who know them.
No. 2638  
pass614.jpg - (239.95KB, 1200×900)
OP, Saint Petersburg is too populated for your idea. We are not even sure if the owners visit any forums. Furthermore, 2 years passed since you've found the card.

What's so important about that anyway? Any special photos?
No. 2640  
Wrote to this guy vkontakte.ru/id16707786
Could be him.
No. 2641  

It's a card full of their holiday pictures, few pictures of the funeral and few general pictures. No worth to anyone but them. Social internet is quite powerful if it gets interested on something and if we find someone who knows them, we'll probably get some contacting information.

Doesn't cost to try, so why the heck not.
No. 2642  
faptcha.png - (259B, 90×50)
>Doesn't cost to try, so why the heck not.
That's the main difference between Russian and Finn.

Why do you have Canadian flag on the 2-ch's /int/?
No. 2643  

I have no idea why the flag is canadian there, no proxys or anything.
No. 2644  
I bet it's the new admin's tricks.
No. 2645  

That's the spirit. The name seems to be a match and he has some same look as the guy on the pictures. Please let us know, if it wasn't the guy.
No. 2646  
mun on pakko saada bmw.jpg - (295.44KB, 1536×1152)
I browsed the pictures some more and think I might have discovered something. All the pictures taken in 2009 looks like they are taken in Finland. Also the last pictures are from boat by Viking line, which matches well, because it was Viking lines parking lot, where I found the card. I'm not sure about all the pictures taken in Finland, but there is two month break when theyve started taking pictures again and I see finnish and russian products mixed up in table they are eating and the pictures are taken in 3 days after the break (from eating on the table to viking line).

Now, one picture is taken outside and it has a car with russian licenseplates on it. Could this be the solving piece?
No. 2647  
1024px-Russia_license_plates.png - (333.77KB, 1024×591)
All we can get from this pic is that the car is registered in Petersburg. Are people allowed to travel from Russia to Winland by car, by the way?
>mun on pakko saada bmw
No. 2648  

Well, I think there is a straight link to the guy in the pictures. At least if he hasn't changed cars.

Why wouldn't they be allowed to travel to Finland by car?

No. 2649  
No. 2650  

No. Screw you.
No. 2651  
screw me? SCREW YOU!
No. 2652  
vihje.jpg - (48.73KB, 975×305)

No. Screw you. Here, I made you a picture which allows you to not see their faces anymore.
No. 2654  
malahov1(1).jpg - (20.07KB, 188×250)
Sweden, write to Russian TV, they'll sort this out.
No. 2656  

Hello Germany. I'd like to correct you first, this is not Sweden, this is Finland. Also, I'm afraid Putin will hunt me down, if I write to russian television.
No. 2657  
47eb24636ee5e007_reuters.jpg - (74.78KB, 650×487)
Oh jeez! OP, it's me on the pictures! НЕЛЛ УЕАН, finally my card is found! Plox send quickly.
Just forget it, you'll never find 'em.
No. 2658  
prinsessa.jpg - (168.20KB, 1536×1152)

This is no time to give up. In my darkest moment I will browse these pictures some more and look if I see a glimpse of sun in the sky. And post more pictures of them.
No. 2659  
This is madness!
No. 2660  
20070426_tampere[1].jpg - (59.17KB, 410×273)

This is TAMPERE!!!... Perkele!
No. 2661  
Снусмумрик.jpg - (20.21KB, 300×228)
No. 2662  
A-Bad-Day.jpg - (193.94KB, 545×1183)
Pardon my ignorance, Finland.
Perkele, indeed.
No. 2688  
Why should anyone hunt you?
There is a TV program which finds lost people. It is called "Wait for me" (Жди меня)

your flag is on my captcha, you should be lucky today :D
No. 2694  

Sorry, there's too much languagebarrier to contact russian media. Well, still wishing that some point this thing would take a little wind under it wings and I could get somekind of contact to them.

So keep the dream running keep it alive.
No. 2975  
b5059048eca4.jpg - (40.96KB, 500×304)
Hello, OP (if you are still browsing this board). The man, whose tomb is on the photo attached to your first post was a WWII veteran from Leningrad region, so you can contact some Ministry of Defence guys and learn his whereabouts from them. Also, looks like in 1998 he lived in Luga - a small town in Leningrad region, and there is his adress - проспект Комсомола 38, кв. 22, and phone 25671. You can look for the dialing code on Wikipedia. Also, your desire to help these people reminds me heavily of Amelie Poulain's, thanks for it!
No. 4356  
No. 4357  
Where are those 3 years? This is sad.
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