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hitleramused.jpg - (29.64KB, 461×320)
No. 2054  
The Cyrillic alphabet is for uncultured cavemen niggers.

You Slav faggots have nor have ever had any culture. Wise Hellenes (Κύριλλος and Μεθόδιος) gave you a shitty modified version of the smartest, greatest alphabet in the whole world.

For fucking thousands of years Russians and all those Slavshits spoke shit languages but didn't have any system to write them with so those saints went to Serbia and such boring grey mountainous shitholes to give you a sense of culture and intelligence, but you just had to throw it down the fucking bin you assholes, and made the least phonetic script in the world.

Fuck I hate you people and Bulgarians. Such dicks—especially Bulgarians. All of their women are ugly maids, they should go fuck themselves and GTFO of my capitalist country!

TL;DR: Slavs are dumb uncultured assholes who should leave Europe.
No. 2055  
Alexander-the-Great-Statue.jpg - (110.03KB, 450×450)
FYI: I'm Hellenic you cunts, I hope all of you DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 2056  
> I'm Hellenic
Stop using latin dialect of britt barbarians.
No. 2058  
Ⰴⱁⰱⱃⰰ ⱂⱁⰲⱑⱄⱅⱐ, ⰱⱃⰰⱅⱏ.
No. 2059  
coolface.jpg - (99.33KB, 392×300)
Too fat, bro.

Also Israel is on faptcha lol
No. 2060  
123671197686.jpg - (19.23KB, 245×247)
>>2054 Get back to /iq/, lad.
No. 2061  
12348917689770040.jpg - (246.11KB, 1280×960)
>the least phonetic script in the world.
No. 2062  

Lol, israel's on faptcha again!
No. 2063  
asdf123.png - (57.00KB, 977×723)
"Hitler should have won", this thought often disturbs me in the latter days. The other one is "I'd have born in some other country."
No. 2065  
> "I'd have born in some other country."
Pyotr the piglet? Go steal yourself a tractor. BTW, steal one for me too.
No. 2066  
Yap, I live somewhere there too, let's steal tractors together.

Also, even Tiny Britain is headed straight to the shitty shit.
No. 2068  
Britain.jpg - (534.12KB, 3600×2494)
What's wrong with the Britain bro?
No. 2069  
5.jpg - (21.27KB, 500×390)
Military power and GDP are decreasing, government debt is rising, muslims everywhere, people are not satisfied, herp derp. [spoiler]Music is still good.[/spoiler] It describes the situation in the most of the EU, actually. It's not as bad as Ruissa's, but not as good as Asia's.

Basically, I have written about the UK just because OP has British flag.
No. 2070  
Снимок.jpg - (10.03KB, 207×25)
>failed spoiler
Not mine but the userscript's fault.
No. 2123  
Slavs at least have a culture. The so called "developed countries" are all copies of America. Also Greeks are brown like Turks and are Turks.

No. 2128  
3985_s.jpg - (59.12KB, 1500×790)
Курица — не птица,
Болгария — не заграница!
No. 2130  
copies of America? wow.
No. 2131  

> You Slav faggots have nor have ever had any culture

You Slav faggots neither have or have ever had any culture

fixed it for you, faggot
No. 2135  
Как еб твою мать, так бля пиздец, а как ёбаный в рот, так нихуя.
No. 2136  
Да не говори!
No. 2137  
66ba2171c957.jpg - (54.52KB, 500×356)
Oh fuck oh fuck foreigners on this board!!!
No. 2138  
>>2137 Am I the only one who read "Деревня мудаков" there?
No. 2139  
Yep, you are.
No. 4951  
you are angry celt disguised as a half-french half-german mongrel
>be english
>get invaded by germans
>be such a cuck that you pretend to be germans

>300 years later

>be english
>french invade
>half your language becomes french
>pretend to hate the french
>claim to be germanic
>claim you're not french, when you're as french as you are germanic
>get cucked by french and germans
No. 4952  
you are angry celt disguised as a half-french half-german mongrel
>be english
>get invaded by germans
>be such a cuck that you pretend to be germans

>300 years later

>be english
>french invade
>half your language becomes french
>pretend to hate the french
>claim to be germanic
>claim you're not french, when you're as french as you are germanic
>get cucked by french and germans
No. 4955  
nice talking to a 4-year-old post buddy :DDDD
No. 4956  
thank you my russomongol friend :DDD
No. 4962  
Feels good not to be a slavo mongoloid nigger.
No. 4963  
I think Russia is pretty cool, not being Americas bitch like EU is.
What? You know i'm right.
Every time Merkel throws a bitch fit against Obongo, a snackbaring somewhere happens.

Coincidence? I think not.

Should i die facing a hoard of towelheads, my battlecry will be "get pigfucked, filthy American dogs!"
No. 4964  
Кирилик алпфабет - греческий алпфабавет. Латинский алпфабавет - римский алпфабавет. Греческая культура > Римская культура. Я конил.
No. 4965  
5c04e833.jpg - (87.75KB, 600×398)
>slavs should leave Europe

B-but then in Europe will be live only arabs, turks, niggers and paki.
No. 5027  
The Cyrillic alphabet is
1) directly mapped into phonetics
2) self-contained, it doesn't need no digraphs and other bullshit
It's modern, clear and sublime. But don't be jelly, pal, the progress will come to your language eventually.
No. 5028  
> OP: 17.10.2010 (Sun) 17:51:14
Kek, it was a really fast answer.
No. 5031  
Greek-numerals.png - (50.67KB, 1159×459)
OP is faggot. But I must say: Cyrillic alphabet is not modified Roman, but mostly modified Greek.
No. 5044  
I am sorry you had to see this thread.

I just want to say OP is a faggot and should probably consider suicide if his idea of fun is going on Russian imageboards just to insult Russians, despite that slavs rarely shitpost on English language imageboards.

You have a great culture and east Slavic languages are pretty great. You are still strong and home to many great people.
Don't listen to anti-Russian Brits - most of them are butthurt because they are Polish or Muslim.
No. 5045  
Or Russians.
No. 5046  
suck my dick you nigger
No. 5054  
Pay debts.
No. 5055  
Racism identificated. GTFO
No. 5056  
I think he already did.
No. 5057  
Dat can't be nice. All racists must burn.
No. 5058  
Look at this: leftists are eager to start another holocaust!
No. 5059  
we should all be nice
No. 5061  
Oi, mate, chill out.

Maybe you could say something about the Slavs if your country didn't butcher its own language trying to be French (colo_u_r, favo_u_r anyone?), didn't come up with an idiotic monetary system of shillings and didn't come up with imperial measurements.
No. 5130  
Describe racism.
No. 5132  
Jew agents invented Cyrillc to destroy the heavenly Glagolitic alphabet, which held the true power of Slavs.
inb4: answering to a five year old post.
No. 5133  
>Jew agents invented Cyrillc to destroy the heavenly Glagolitic alphabet, which held the true power of Slavs.
Absolutely this.
Genocide Jews.
Slav Supremacy Now!
No. 5134  
Posting from in-game browser. I dunno which country 's flag I wll get here.
No. 5137  
Золотце, you forgot to take your pills again.
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